Korean Re, a leading reinsurance company in Asia, is now aiming to be one of the top class reinsurers in the world

  • 수재보험료
  • 보유보험료
  • 자본총계
  • 총자산

타이틀아이콘Business Results

(Unit: KRW 100M)

Gross premiums 66,612 72,081 75,585 80,515 84,471 84,887
Earned premums 46,584 50,035 52,648 55,125 58,340 60,183
Net Written Premiums 46,776 50,218 53,180 55,330 59,001 60,609
Net income 1,625 1,330 1,029 1,887 1,421 1,533

타이틀아이콘Financial Status

(Unit: KRW 100M)

Total assets 95,557 100,653 107,509 117,331 125,199 131,157
Total Shareholders'equity 21,149 21,630 22,376 24,560 24,599 25,257
Capital stock 602 602 602 602 602 602